Charlotte County, FL Logo

18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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​Charlotte County has diverse wildlife in our area and it is not uncommon for citizens to come across wildlife even in our populated neighborhoods. 动物控制 will respond for all injured or sick wildlife while working together with our local wildlife rescues to the best of our ability to ensure sick, injured or orphaned wildlife receive the care needed. Impounded wildlife is taken to Peace River Wildlife Center or Wildlife Center of Southwest Florida.

Peace River Wildlife Center
3400 Ponce De Leon Pkwy
Punta Gorda, FL 33980

Wildlife Center of Southwest Florida
925 N. 杰克逊路

Humane traps may be provided to citizens by this department. Traps are intended for injured, sick, bite cases or animals deemed a public safety threat. Wildlife and domestic animals that our department may utilize a trap for:

  • 浣熊
  • 负鼠
  • 臭鼬
  • 家猫
  • 国内的狗


土狼 are not necessarily a safety concern, but can periodically pose a threat to domestic pets, 和牲畜. The public safety threat can be reduced by keeping your pet on a leash or in a securely confined area while it is outside. Citizens can report issues with these animals to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and/or recruit the services of a private wildlife trapper.


鳄鱼 sightings are not uncommon in Charlotte County. Avoid potentially dangerous encounters with alligators by keeping your distance when you see one. Remember to keep pets on a leash and away from the water. Nuisance alligators are handled by licensed trappers with Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC).


野生的猪 are considered non-native to Florida and have potential to damage yards and landscaped areas.


山猫 can be a familiar sighting in our area and pose little threat. A bobcat's primary food sources include squirrels, rabbits, birds and rats.

Delivering Exceptional Service

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